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Solar Panels: How do they work?

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19 May 2023
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If you’ve been researching solar panel installation or thinking about taking the leap and investing in this greener way of producing electricity, read this blog! After reading so many articles about the benefits and costs of solar panels, it’s now time to read about how they actually work. So, here’s a bit of a crash course on how solar panels work on houses and how they generate electricity.

How do solar panels work?

For solar panels to start to generate electricity, sunlight needs to be available, meaning in the winter/darker months, less electricity will be created. When sunlight is available the solar panels will absorb the sunlight with photovoltaic (PV) cells. The panels will then convert the sunlight into direct current (DC) energy, this then means it can travel to the converter to be converted into alternating current (AC) energy. Once this conversion has happened the energy is ready to be used! If you don’t want to use the energy right away, the electricity will be stored in your battery, or if this is full the excess energy will be sent to the electric grid.

If you’re new to this, that might be a lot to digest, so here’s it in a step-by-step overview:

  1. The solar panels absorb the energy from the sun and it is converted into DC electricity.
  2. The DC electricity is then converted into AC electricity.
  3. You can use this electricity in your home, to power electronic devices and appliances.
  4. Any excess electricity is sent off to the electric grid.

How do solar panels work to generate electricity?

Ready for another science lesson? Each PV cell within your solar panel is made up of two semiconducting materials, such as silicon. When the sunlight interacts with these materials, it prompts electrons to be charged and set in motion. This then initiates an electric flow of an electric current known as the ‘photovoltaic effect’.

Here’s a breakdown of this process:

  1. The cells in the solar panels absorb the energy from the sunlight.
  2. Electrons then begin to flow and generate an electric current.
  3. The current is then combined into power from other solar cells.

And there you have it, a pit stop tour of how solar panels work, and how they generate electricity. 

If you are interested in solar panel installation, visit our website to learn about our services. However, if you still want to do some more research, visit our blog page to find other helpful blogs.

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